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360º Solution

Elevate Your Fleet – Let Us Find & Onboard
Drivers for you.

A unique, one-stop-shop driver solution, seamlessly handling sourcing, selection, and onboarding, ensuring worry-free excellence. Enjoy a service like no other, delivering tailored solutions to meet your requirements.

A service like non-other

Tailored to your unique requirements.

Custom pricing

Tailored Solution

Just share your driver requirements and we shall

Advertise your requirement across 100+ platforms
Filter candidates that match your requirements exactly
Interview & Select the best candidates
Collect all relevant documentation from the selected candidates
Handhold the candidate through the entire process till they get onboarded as part of your fleet!

Tell us your needs!

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Tailored Solution

Just share your driver requirements and we shall

Advertise your requirement across 100+ platforms
Filter candidates that match your requirements exactly
Interview & Select the best candidates
Collect all relevant documentation from the selected candidates
Handhold the candidate through the entire process till they get onboarded as part of your fleet!
Contact us to share your requirements and choose 360 Solution today!

Tailormade solution


Continuous ongoing assistance


Focus on long-term stability in your workforce

More than 40 of the best delivery companies already trusting Service Club
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Tell us your needs!

We help +100 companies achieve their goals