Winter vehicle essentials

10 Winter Vehicle Essentials: Gear Up!

Winter vehicle essentialsAs a delivery driver, you want to be able to take packages where they need to go without any detours or obstacles. But as we know, life happens, and unexpected situations can make the process a little more difficult. That’s why it’s important to be prepared not only for your day-to-day delivery needs, but also for anything that winter can throw your way.

Here is our list of winter vehicle essentials, so that you can gear up properly before your next trip.

1. A warm jacket

Packing a warm jacket, even if you’re not cold when you leave the house, will guarantee you can work your shift comfortably if the weather becomes cooler.

2. A pair of gloves

If you have to do manual deliveries every day, it is of the utmost importance to keep your hands warm and protected during harsher weather conditions. After all, your hands are your main work tools!

3. A scarf

No winter gear is complete without a scarf to make you feel warm and toasty every time you have to step out of your vehicle.  

4. An ice scraper

Don’t go on the road if you don’t have good visibility. Make sure you and the drivers you come across all have a safe experience by scraping any ice that might be blocking your view.

5. A shovel

Shovels are an important tool, especially during the winter. If you ever find yourself in a situation in which snow is making your tyres lose traction, a shovel can help you clear the path and get you back on your way.

6. Antifreeze

Not only used for cold temperatures, antifreeze helps engines regulate their temperature. Antifreeze has to be mixed at a 50/50 ratio with water before being used, so make sure you also have a bottle of water available at all times.

7. Snow chains for tyres

Ice and snow can significantly reduce the traction of your vehicle’s tyres. If you often drive in areas where it snows, having snow chains available to install on your tyres will help you drive safely and access more difficult areas.

8. Blanket

While in most cases a jacket will suffice, having a blanket in the trunk is never a bad idea. If you ever need to stop and stay inside your vehicle for a long time, an extra layer might come in handy to keep you warm.

9. Non-perishable food

Whether it’s for a snack to keep your energy up or to be consumed in case of an emergency, having non-perishable food readily available is always helpful.

10. Matches and a candle

Keep a simple box of matches at hand to help you in an emergency. In case of a breakdown in a dark area or at night, lighting a candle or a lantern can help others find you, or help you find your way to help.

Now that you know the essential items you should stock your vehicle with for smooth driving during the winter, your delivery experiences will become even more effective. 

Looking for ways to advance your delivery driver career?    

At Service Club, we not only have a job platform for taxi and delivery drivers to look for new work opportunities, but we also offer a number of certificate programs in our Academy that can help perfect your existing skills and acquire new ones.

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